
Showing posts from March, 2010

one color at a time

 So Issue number one: i need a rain jacket for this camera. I don't want it to get messed up in this weather..  and I don't want the weather to determine whether or not I can take pictures on a given day.. so there for some reason I'm really Diggin the Camo version.. not that the white one doesn't get the job done... But it's just cooler. I just hope folks don't think i'm going hunting.  So the other issue of business has to do with camera functions on the canon sx20..  I still have not opened he instructions packet. I also don't have time for the video blogs... Go figure. You'd think that a blog would be easy enough.. but needless to say my computer has issues. Any-hoo, this camera can take cool pics like you see below black and white picture that keeps one color. I think it's cool and artsy. but what-eva. As I'm writing this i bet i'm sounding like a dork, but I spent about an hour taking random photos in color/black and white. a...

The former Saxophonsist

 So, yes I used to play the saxophone. I still have two of them to prove it. both alto and tenor sax. I've always liked the curves and complexity of the sax...yet the sound is so simple and smooth. Here are some pictures i've taken admiring the instrument's beauty.

Good Morning Coastline

Just Before Sunrise   New haven Harbor , One of the most calming places in the area.... or at least in five minute driving distance from work.  Fort Hale in the summer time is usually filled with fisherman pulling in "blues" as they call them.... Today only the seagulls were fishing.. or resting before a day of fishing. Had some extra time and also hit the Qunnipiac River they're lining up for the show (sunrise) got my eye on you I like taking a close look There's the sun! Nailed it! Needs his Space Quinnipiac River Like glass