Progress report on the Church, are we failing?

Do you ever wonder if all the mega churches are doing their job... or if the little store front churches are they effective? Are national organizations standing up for the word of God and going out into the Hedges and Highways to compel the people to come. Or are we getting lazy. What is going on with the church. It's sad to say, but according to a recent Pew research Poll it's not good. Now, I firmly believe that the word all by itself has the power to soften the stony heart and bring people into a right relationship with God. But Faith Comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. I have to believe that people aren't hearing the word. Take a look at this recent study by the pew research organization.. I'm going to just focus on Connecticut and Rhode Island which were lumped together in this study.

In Mississippi, ..82% of those interviews said religion was very important to them. The national average is just 56% ... but Connecticut/Rhode Island- 44%. (that's and F)

how many people pray once a day.. Mississippi, 77%, .. National average 58%, .. Connecticut/Rhode Island 47%. (That's and F )

and How many people believe in God... Keep in mind, this study didn't even specify which religion the participants were following. Mississippi 91%, National Average 71%, Connecticut / Rhode Island 57%.. Get the picture???? (that's above half, but still failing and way below the average F)

A few months ago when My wife, and son and I came down with what we thought was the swine flu.. I stayed home one Sunday. But I had to go out and get something from the Supermarket. I was amazed to see how many people were up and out at the store at 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning. Maybe I'm crazy, I thought that is was laziness, or sports or work that kept people away from church on Sunday morning.... thinking the rest of the world was getting an extra couple of hours of sleep on Sunday.. I was so, so, so, so wrong. I could hardly find a parking space. So what do you do? take church to the supermarket. YES. I once had a 20 minute conversation about God with a guy in WalMart, just because i was out in my Sunday's best. Southern New England, .. what can we do?

so how many people go to church?
-- Mississippi, 60%, the national average 39%, .. Connecticut/Rhode Island 30%. (That's an FFFFF)
   How do we get people back in church? How do we get people back in the word? Mississippi must be doing something right.


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