So, a couple of weeks ago, I finished my first 5K race in 7 years. Earlier this year I set out to get back in shape after years of self-body neglect. At the time, I blamed it on lack of time, a busy lifestyle, church, work schedule, home demands and more. Now there's no room for excuses. I'm well on to running at least three times a week.Since running the "Run to RNCC 5K" I've upped my running distance from a mile each time to two miles. I really should have documented my journey more this summer. Here are some of the things that I discovered about myself. Number one, I was slow. I could barely run a mile in less than 10 minutes... and that was wen I was only running one mile. Now I'm down to running a mile in the eight minute range. Sometimes my first mile is in the seven minute range. If I run with my dog -Daisey- It's a little slower as you can imagine (because of bathroom breaks and other dogs.) The second thing that I d...