Ethan Graduates from Pre-school! yay

 What a great way to start off father's day-- with my son's graduation from pre-school. That's right EJ is out of pre-school and now less than three months away from going into Kindergarten. It's been a long journey to this point. Well, maybe not that long. He's only four years old (soon to be 5.) But there has been a lot of growth in that short period of time. He went from that little tiny baby that was so small that his body fit in the nook between my fingertips and the crease of my elbow. From the tummytime videos to the crawling videos and walking videos. The baby noises videos and then all the pictures. It seems like everything Karen and I have been doing has been leading up to this point: Ethan's chance at life, his opportunity to learn, live,laugh and grow.I don't take it for granted either. There are places right here in the US where that access is not guaranteed.

      This year we were blessed to have a praying and loving teacher to help EJ in school. Hamden's Sacred Heart Manor and Nursery is a great pre-school and I'm sure the Academy is also a great school. I can't wait for what God has in store for us next year. Today's graduation ceremony was short but truly sweet. It started with the kids playing.. for the last time in a long time for some of the kids. (Most of the kids in EJ's class are going to different schools next year.) After the Pledge of Allegiance there was some song singing, "This is the Day that the Lord has made" "He's got the Whole World in in His Hands." Once they started singing I almost forgot that is was raining outside. Then they handed out the Diplomas. It was that simple.

Ethan with kiara and kailah


Standing Room Only

Ethan with a video camera

Taking pictures(video) of Everybody

The Pledge of allegiance


Got My Diploma

class picture

Mrs Selden and Ethan

A Picture by the playground that parents helped build this year

Chocolate Cake

That's Life-Expressed


  1. Jason-I am soooooo grateful that you are a man who loves video and photography. It really means a great deal to us family memebers who aren't able to be there for such special moments as this one. It would have been lovely to have been there in person, but this really gives the sense of being there. Awesome job.


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