Black History Month: The Celebration Continues

    Black history month is coming to an close for this year. But, that doesn't mean the celebration of our history or search for our own roots in this country has to stop. I know I won't stop after February 28th. It's been interesting monitoring twitter comments through the #blackhistorymonth hashtag.

The hashtag spent one --maybe two- days on top of twitter's trending topics. There have been a lot of complaints within the hashtag that it had stopped trending, although there were some valiant efforts to keep things going from "some" notable stars and the fake "chris rock" twitter account. I think there were probably too many ignorant tweets, some with the "N" word, others with i guess gag pictures that would make some of our civil rights leaders turn over in their graves. I think the people posted them don't know, care or understand the significance of marking month. There were very few if any blatantly racist tweets. Although, there was a competing trending topic one day last week "RIP Black Folks." I created  a lot of confusion.. No one really understood why it was trending, what it was supposed to mean or where it came from. There was speculation that a band named "Black Folks" was behind it. There was an ignorant tweet often re-tweeted and passed around that the government had "poisoned the chicken supply." But, ultimately it could have meant to pay homage to those who have gone on before us. Anyway, twitter has become the barometer or pulse for what people are talking about. It seems black history has sadly taken a back seat to any and everything else. Black history month was even ignored by Google which usually highlights everything with a Doodle. I'm still waiting Google you have 5 days left!!


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